All Donors

Shaindy Bakst $500.00
Anonymous Sponsor $290.00
Esther Auerbach $270.00
Rivky - can't thank you enough for always accommodating us! Malki - looking forward! Shout out to Ramon!
Lichtenstein Family $250.00
regards to Malky!
Abba & Mommy $250.00
We are so proud of you
Esti Silber $225.00
Miriam Mandelbaum $200.00
Malky Goldstein $135.00
In honor of my dear sis RIVKYYY!!!!
Elisheva Yarmove $120.00
Penina Kaufman $120.00
In the honor of MALKY’S boss! And the mother of the second to cutest kid in the whole Lakewood!!
Yisroel And Nechama Prager $120.00
Tzivia Roth $120.00
Nesanel And Leah Hershkop Hershkop $108.00
In honor of the Lichtenstein's and Sochczewsky's...hi dovi
Nechama Gelbtuch $105.00
Tzipora Levi $105.00
Naomi Maryles $100.00
Leeba Schwartz $100.00
Chaya Sara Frankel $90.00
Ephraim & Blimi $90.00
Go Rivky!!!
Rivka Oratz $85.00
Esti Harrar $75.00
YY & Malkie Wolf $75.00
Yossi & Devora Rosenberg $75.00
AKiva Jurkanski $75.00
Ari Lipschutz $67.50
David & Chaya Lipschutz $67.50
Yehudis Leizerowski $61.00
Nachi & Tamar $60.00
Bina Steinberg $60.00
Shira Lichtenstein $60.00
Three cheers for SHIPPY!
Tzivi Horowicz $50.00
Binyomin Maryles $50.00
Leah Kranz $45.00
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Sruli And Rikki $45.00
Zissi Schlesinger $45.00
Chaim Oelbaum $45.00
Dassy Salzberg $36.00
Mendy And Sora Weitman $30.00
Vachaltachalpuchin $25.00
This should be a zechus for Shmuel and Vachaltachalpuchin
Aron And Shaindy Stern $18.00
Esther Nussbaum $15.00
Its A Holmes $5.00