All Donors

Yehudis Beer $364.50
In honor of the best landlords!
For the wonderful family that lives bikor cholim
Anonymous Sponsor $250.00
Yehudah Saffer $250.00
Raizy Birnbaum $225.00
Elisheva Becker $140.00
Isaac Freund $140.00
Reb yuda you're unbelievable you should always be on the giving side and recieving only from the rivon9 shel oulum
Yehuda Markowitz $140.00
Yehuda Birnbaum $140.00
Sara Pearl $135.00
Yehida Osina $120.00
Adina Hoffberg $120.00
Raizy Becker $108.00
Asher Haft $90.00
Nechama Korf $90.00
With much thanks and admiration for all you do.
Sara Kaplowitz $90.00
Mrs. R Amsel $80.00
Shmuel Anisfeld $75.00
ELi Newmark $67.50
go hudi go
Leah Ungar $45.00
Thank you Morah Goldy - the best Morah!!!
Naomi Lebovics $40.00
Moshe Wegh $36.00
Batsheva Gartenhaus $30.00
Gloria Pearl $30.00
Kol hakovod, hatzlocha.
Avrohom Gershbaum $30.00
Esther Osina $27.00
Anonymous Sponsor $0.00