All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $520.00
Rochie Stein $450.00
Liba Lichtenstein $250.00
Yaakov Richter $250.00
Sara Lebovics $210.00
Raizy L $196.00
Elisheva Privalsky $180.00
Esther Malka Parnes $180.00
Tizku L’Mitzvos!
Zaidy And Bubby Friedman $153.00
Chumie Danziger $150.00
David Blumenkrantz $150.00
In Honor of Chana Raizy Lampner, TIZKU LMITZVOS!!
Esti Kellner $140.00
Should be a zchus for you CR
Malky Weinrib $140.00
Thanks again for the zechus!!!!
Eli Lampner $140.00
Shaindy Lobel $140.00
Rochel Lampner $125.00
Rhonda Ray $125.00
Miriam Sova $121.00
Anonymous Sponsor $120.00
Miriam Kaplan $120.00
Anonymous Sponsor $120.00
Nava Gutman $120.00
Chana raizy alwaus helping others!
Chana Cyril Moskovits $120.00
Meira Waldman $120.00
Shana Basch $120.00
Rivky Korn $120.00
Devora Leah Klein $120.00
Pessllaya Katz $120.00
Eliyahu Salel $120.00
Faigy Solomon $105.00
Esty Weingarten $100.00
Rochel Kahan $90.00
Devorah Schwartz $85.50
Hadassah Flohr $75.00
Go Chana Raizy!!!
Ariella Shlomowitz $75.00
Miriam Klugman $72.00
Go Chana Raizy!
Chaya Wilhelm $65.00
Reuven Richter $65.00
Rochel Bernstein $65.00
Mira Eisen $65.00
Raizy Prager $60.00
Rivka Milstein $60.00
Naftali And Sara Miriam Fireman $60.00
In Honor of Chana Raizy Lampner!
Chava Bernstein $60.00
Shani Rubin $60.00
Faigy Feldman $50.00
Shmuel Lampner $50.00
Chaya Sara Simon $50.00
Go for it, Chana Raizy!!
Aviva Kagan $50.00
Gila Levovitz $50.00
Chana Raizy you are an inspiration to us all!!
Shmuel Newman $50.00
Rochy Karas $45.00
In honor of Chana Raizy
Chavi Rosenbaum $45.00
Tzippy Gartenhaus $45.00
Keep it up Chana Raizy!
Shmuel Lemberger $45.00
Avraham Friedman $45.00
Chana Raizy, always the one to help someone in need
Sarah Goldstein $36.00
Faigy Levine $36.00
Temima Shemesh $35.00
Chana Raizy YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!
Noa Miller $35.00
Awesome person, awesome organization
Yocheved Yunger $35.00
Chaya Rochel Lebovic $35.00
Shayna Dubin $31.00
Anonymous Sponsor $30.00
Chayala Freund $30.00
Tizku Limitzvos! almost there....
Tzery Lowenthal $30.00
Chani Judowitz $30.00
Chumi Weintraub $30.00
Sara Wolfe $27.00
Nechama Barnetsky $20.00
Chaim Newman $20.00
Yaakov Newman $20.00
Zeldy Lampner $20.00
Brocha Kaufman $18.00
Sarala Hirsch $18.00
Miriam Maryles $15.00
Tamar Nakdimen $15.00
Nechama Rosenthal $15.00
Zisi Gestetner $15.00
Devora Schwartz $15.00
Brocha Neumann $13.50
Dear Chana Raizy, Tizki L'mitzvos. I am amazed that you continue with this tremendous chessed year after year. It is such an inspiration! What a zechus! Hope you and all your donors win a prize!! thanks for the opportunity