All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $315.00
Shani Siegfried $270.00
Leah Rabinovicz $250.00
Estie Drew $250.00
Everyone needs a balbatish friend;)
Devorah Dombroff $195.00
In honor of Shani with the last initial D as in Diamond ;) keep it up!!
Anonymous Sponsor $185.00
In honor of Mrs. Diamond, the greatest receptionist coordinator. Thank you Bikur Cholim for all of your incredible work!
Yehuda And Chani Berman $180.00
Yechiel Diamond $180.00
Nechoma Wasserman $175.00
Gitty Diamond $140.00
Nechama Diamond $140.00
As a zchus to get into seminary b'karov!!
Yehudah And Breini Diamond $140.00
לעילוי נשמת יעקב בן ראובן מרים בת אשר
Yisroel Shlomowitz $140.00
Mordechai Schur $140.00
Tzvi And Chavi Tesser $135.00
Yechiel the bro keep shteiging!!!!
Shmuli And Miri Meth $125.00
Anonymous Sponsor $125.00
Yaakov And Rikki Feuer $121.00
Yitzi & Ariella Braude $121.00
Anonymous Sponsor $120.00
Yehoshua Epstein $120.00
Chaim Diamond $120.00
Heard about your askanus all the way in Mir!!
Yehuda Braude $120.00
For the best sister and brother in law
Naftali Hirsch $120.00
Yehuda Berman $120.00
In honor of Reb Yechiel
Faigie Gold $120.00
Avi And Tzippy Braude $120.00
Tova Rotberg $110.00
Batsheva Peretz $110.00
Estee Schuster $108.00
Reuven Diamond $105.00
Brocha Braude $105.00
Chaim And Sara Leah Diamomd $100.00
Chaiky $95.00
Hadas Babad $90.00
Shmuel And Temi Alpert $90.00
To the one and only Shani Diamond! Mamesh shining in every way! Tziku lmitzvos!
Anonymous Sponsor $75.00
Tzvi And Rochel Leah Defreudiger $75.00
Joel Goldstein $75.00
Pinny And Leah Mendlowitz $75.00
Anonymous Sponsor $65.00
You guys are the best! Keep it up!!
Mazal Abraham $65.00
Tizku l’mitzvot!
Moshe And ROCHEL EISIG $60.00
In honor of the Diamond family!
Brochie Strauss $60.00
Sruly And Chaya Lieff $60.00
Go Shani!
Bracha Bald $60.00
IHO Shani Diamond for all the incredible work you do for Bikur Cholim!!
Esther Feinroth $60.00
Malky Bauer $54.00
Tziporah Rivlin $54.00
Mordechai And Rochel Diamond $50.00
Aliza Berman $50.00
Rochela Grunwald $50.00
Blimi Katz $50.00
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
Shana Retkinski $45.00
Chanie Belsky $45.00
Shani!! Welcome to Kensington! You mamush fit right in!!!
Chava Isaak $36.00
Pinchos Rabinovitz $36.00
Moshe Durst $36.00
Tzvi Diamond $35.00
To my best bro and sis in law!!!
Moshe Braunstein $35.00
Nechama Coriat $30.00
Faige Werdyger $30.00
Rochel Merkin $30.00
Chaim Oelbaum $30.00
Yechiel your a true inspiration for us all!!
Dassi Braude $30.00
cutest couple ever!!!!!!!!xoxoxoxxo
Yakov Shulem Shwartz $30.00
Nechama Reiss $30.00
Enjoy Gitty!! She's the best!!
Chaya Heiligman $25.00
To my favorite Shani!!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $20.00
In honor of Shani!
Mordechai Goldstein $18.00
לזנ ישראל יצחק בן נח
Dovid And Esther Bracha Levine $15.00
In honor of Rabbi Yechiel and Rebbitzen Shani Diamond
Leah Schuster $15.00
In Honor Of Shani Diamond:)
Baila Sher $15.00
Go Shani!!!!!!!
Dassa Fisher $15.00
It should be a zchus!
Adina Braude $15.00
Anonymous Sponsor $15.00
Atara Inzelbuch $15.00
Malka Munk $15.00
Esther Diamond $5.00
I love u Yechul and Shaaani!!!
Batsheva Diamond $5.00
Continue to be a shiny Diamond!!!! Tizki L'mitzvis
Chaya Nechama Weisz $5.00